Emerald Alice PictureTales

Capturing precious moments, making you look your very best in every picture. That's exactly what Emerald Alice PictureTales sets out to do for you.

Welcome, to the photographic journey of a creative mind.

Based in Maastricht (NL), with travel options available, I'm currently taking bookings. 

Feel free to get in touch.

Styles & services include:

☆ Portrait & Model Photography 

☆ Fashion Photography

☆ Storytelling Photography 

☆ Conceptual Photography

☆ Black & White Photography

☆ Art Photography

☆ Personal Branding Photography

I offer outdoor sessions on location (of your choosing), where I shoot with natural light.

Studio  sessions indoors are also available in my private photostudio.

I love working with natural light, therefor most of my work is shot outside.

Simply let me know what type of shots you are looking for and I will work out all the details for you, in order to achieve the best result.